Saturday, July 29, 2017

My Dream Trip

           i will be going with my family and friends to Italy.

             The structural and historical beauties of Italy are both striking and stand out characteristics that make this country one of the most popular places to visit. From the crystal blue sea to the vast mountains surrounded by pure green, Italy is my dream vacation spot.

 The chance to explore the architectural and the beautiful surroundings of Italy would be a dream for me. With an unlimited budget I would take those closest to me on this wonderful journey through the country of Italy to see the beautiful scenery, try once-in-a-lifetime activities, and see how true Italians eat. From my point of view when I imagine Italy is the first thing I think of is the incredible buildings and land that surround it. On this dream vacation with the people closest to me, we would explore every popular location in Italy. I would visit the Alps and view the beauty of the mountains around the country.

 The opportunity to climb up through the mountains would be such an incredible and breath-taking sight. In addition to the mountains we would travel all around the sea to view the islands, wildlife, and secrets that lie around Italy. Furthermore we would explore and see the historical architecture that this country has to offer. We would take the time to see the Coliseum in Rome, the Leaning Tower of Pisa,and the historical churches in Italy.

  All of these incredible places would be ideal for my dream vacation and each place would offer new life experiences and appreciation.Travelling through Italy would create so many adventures and once in a lifetime opportunities to experience. I would make sure to try as many courageous activities as I possible could. The very first activity I would try would be to go cliff diving into the sea.
END OF DREAM............



FIELD TRIP TO TRINCO Naval and Maritime Academy (NMA) plays the most prominent role by imparting professional training for both Office...